Dear Ghostlight Staff,
A phrase you may hear me say quite a bit is "Memorable and Meaningful." I use this phrase to tell families what we hope their campers' summers will be, and I use it with leadership and staff when looking at various aspects of our program from pool time to classes to shows. While I may say it a lot, I never want to lose sight of what brought me to it in the first place.
Memory plays a role in reducing stress and depression in adolescents and young-adults. A 2019 study published in Nature magazine shared that the act of "remembering the good times" actively reduced morning cortisol levels and "fewer negative self-cognitions during low mood". Camp provides an opportunity to build positive memories and reflect on them and other good memories throughout the camp experience.
Meaning bridges the gap between facts and emotional responses. Engaging campers in meaning-making narratives activates and changes the connectivity of the brain's networks that predict long-term outcomes. Researcher Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, in her article with Douglas R. Knecht, Building Meaning Builds' Kids' Brains, states, "it is crucial to understand that teenagers' narratives are the means they use to make meaning of their experiences, to invent themselves and their possible futures, and to learn." In short, when we ask campers about their day, or their year, and listen to them weave a story, we are engaging in a meaningful experience that will shape their future. (Wow!)
This can feel heady when you dive in. I know it is for me. But we can derive practical lessons for our work with campers. Two quick examples are:
- Create the framework for awe-inspiring moments of community, effervescence, and joy. Examples: Dance parties, games, sing-alongs, S'mores, My Favorite Things.
- Ask open-ended questions that engage campers' minds, asking them to reflect on experiences, and listen with an open heart. Examples: "Can someone share with me something that made them smile today?" "When you saw that, did it make you think of anything outside of camp, too?"
I look forward to doing this with you very soon!
🦄 Meet the 2024 Leadership Team
Every summer, our most important job is hiring a team of counselors, creative staff, dining staff, and support staff to make the summer memorable and meaningful for our campers. One group of staff is vital to making camp run: our leadership team. Not only are they there the minute the gates open each summer, but they remain engaged with us year-round, honing and sharpening every aspect of our program. We are very happy to introduce them to you here, and be sure to say hello when you arrive this summer!
🏕️ What is the American Camp Association?
Ghostlight Theater Camp is a proud American Camp Association member. Through the ACA, we are accountable for 260 standards of operation. These standards cover everything at camp, from administration to programming. We review these standards each year and check our policies and procedures to ensure we are the best camp we can be.
This year is particularly exciting, as we are in what is known as an Accreditation Year. In July, two staff members from other ACA camps will visit Ghostlight to see us in full swing. They will visit rehearsals and classes, have lunch with us, and speak with staff about aspects of camp, from training to support. We have been working throughout the year to provide our visitors with written documentation of our policies and procedures, and we are confident they will be inspired by what we do.
You'll hear more about the ACA standards that apply to your role at camp during training. In general, we don't call out what is specific to ACA standards but trust that their guidance provides us and you with the framework to provide a meaningful program for our campers. If you have any questions about the ACA or our visit, please ask! We love talking about it.

🆓 Free Individual ACA Membership
Do you like Chacos?! Before you buy your next pair, join the ACA and get 40% off!
In addition, you will gain access to resources, webinars, and the ACA Camping Magazine, including the Staff Training issue.
Use the link to join and use the code ACAFREE at checkout for a free year.
⛑️ Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Free YMHFA Training is available online in the month of May! If you complete your YMFHA Training, please upload your certificate to your documents in Campsite and/or send it to Chris.
School Mental Health Resource Training Center, Multiple Dates
NAMI Main, May 20th via Zoom
Thanks to Alexa Lyons for compiling these training resources!
Did you miss last week's email? Just joining the Weekly Call? Check out the Staff Updates page to catch up anytime!