Welcome to Ghostlight 

We are thrilled that your camper will join us for the summer of 2025!

In this handbook, you will find important information that will orient you and your camper to camp and help prepare you for this summer at Ghostlight. Our goal is for your child to spend their summer making theater and friends at camp. We hope that your camper will return home after their time at Ghostlight having grown as an artist and in their ability to be patient, collaborate, listen, and ask for help.

Our leadership team is always available to give your camper the attention and care they need. Our cabin counselors and artistic staff are top-notch and help us ensure a fun, safe camp experience. Our entire team is here to support your camper to gain confidence, self-advocate, create peer-to-peer support systems, and help when necessary.

We need your support to make this summer the best one possible. We believe that families play an integral role in the success of their child’s camp experience. As camp owners and directors, we are partners and available to speak with you anytime. Please don’t hesitate to call us with any questions or concerns.

We’re counting the days until our community is again together in Maine!

Alexa, Chris, Monica, Spencer, and Zack
The Ghostlight Leadership Team

Summer Contact Information

Main Office - (207) 358-0641

Address: 7 Camp Eastwood Cir., Oakland, ME 04963

About Ghostlight

Our History
What began in 2003 as Acting Manitou has grown into an exceptional theater camp that pairs high-caliber theater training with a traditional summer camp experience. Each session, campers collaborate on a complete theater festival from the ground up. Our culminating Festival Day is a mixture of new work, established plays and musicals that are cast, rehearsed, designed, and produced to highlight our campers and the stories of our community. Our classes allow campers the opportunity to gain basic and advanced skills in the theater arts, as well as explore new interests and adventures in the way you can only do at camp. Activities outside of theater spark the creative spirit and invite campers to embrace the beautiful world of nature that Maine provides.
Our Values
Our philosophy focuses on ensemble theater-making along with the values of a traditional camp experience. We know that we are joining families in preparing our campers to be leaders and empathetic, kindhearted citizens of their communities in and outside of camp. We are dedicated to fostering a community of young artists that will support each other year-round and throughout their lives. This mission is realized through our summer programs and by continuing to support and inspire our campers, staff, alumni, and families throughout the year. Our mission each summer is to send campers home more independent, confident, and self-expressive.
Our Program

The Ghostlight summer comprises our Emerging Artists Programs for campers ages 9-11, and two Half Summer 3-week sessions for campers ages 9-17. Campers may also attend camp for a Full Summer of six weeks.

Each camper session comprises three main elements: Education, Production, and Activities.

Education is comprised of Core Classes, Electives, and Production Classes.

  • Core classes challenge campers to focus on Acting, Voice, Dramatic Writing, or Dance in a concentrated curriculum that allows for variety and growth over the years a camper is at Ghostlight.

  • Electives allow campers to train in these areas in a more relaxed environment. While Core Classes are focused on developing skills, Theater Electives are focused on the opportunity to experience different facets of theater making. General Electives offer traditional camp activities like Arts & Crafts and Nature, along with one-off theater classes.

  • Every camper takes a Production Class at camp. These classes share the foundational skills and elements of scenic, costume, props, and lighting design. Campers may also take Stage Management or Publicity as a production class.

Production at Ghostlight centers around the show festival at the end of each session. Each camper works onstage or backstage to make this collaborative effort a success. We strive to produce a diverse season of shows that reflect our community, tell stories that align with our core values, and allow for ensemble theater-making.

Activities are for those times when simply having fun is the focus of our summer. From pool time to frisbee to reading in a hammock, we encourage our campers to take joy in all they do. On top of that, our evening and daytime activities are designed to keep each camper engaged, inspired, and always growing.

Ghostlight Culture

The Best of Theater, The Best of Camp
Like theater, our camp experience is ephemeral. For eight weeks a summer, we come together to create and grow together with our campers. Though we have standard procedures and policies that we carry forward from summer to summer, each year brings a unique group of staff and campers together. Each year’s culture is different, formed by our communal experience. We do, however, have some reflections to share that we have gathered from our previous years.
A Culture of Respect
Every person at camp (and everyone with whom we interact while attending or working at camp) is to be treated with respect at all times. Behavior such as theft (of camp property or personal property brought to camp), bullying (including cyber-bullying), repeated profanity, disrespect, bigotry, homophobic or transphobic comments, inappropriate use of electronic devices (before or after camp), or any other unsafe conduct detrimentally compromises the safety of our community.
Celebrating Growth
Ghostlight is a community that values our diversity. We hire passionate and committed staff in an effort to model positive behavior for our campers. To that end, it is important to us that we celebrate moments throughout camp where growth and success happen. These moments may be large or small and likewise our ways of celebrating them vary from acknowledgment in staff meetings to a simple shout across the lawn.
Camper Outcomes

Summer camp is a unique opportunity for campers to explore, learn, and grow in an environment that is free from the traditional matrix of school. Experience trumps perfection at Ghostlight and we set the tone for celebrating those experiences in all we do. However, we do hope families see growth in their campers at the end of the summer.

Program Outcomes

At Ghostlight, campers will grow as artists. They will be introduced to types of work and ways of working they have not seen before. They will develop tools as theater makers they can take with them to rehearsals, classes, and other areas of life. Some of these are:

  • Patience
  • Collaboration
  • Listening
  • Asking questions to clarify, challenge, or better understand

Mental and Emotional Health Outcomes

We also understand and accept the immense responsibility of caring for campers’ mental and emotional well-being. We work to minimize negative impact in these areas and send campers home better able to:

  • Confidently interact with peers and adults like teachers and directors
  • Appropriately self-advocate
  • Utilize trusted peers and adults in decision-making and emotional processing
  • Seek assistance from a trusted adult when necessary

Your Family Dashboard

Your CampSite Family Dashboard is your one-stop-shop for everything from forms to your contact information. 

To access your Family Dashboard, visit: http://ghostlight.campmanagement.com/campers

Take a moment before and after each summer to ensure all your information is current, including your camper’s school information and email address. We love to include campers in newsletters, birthday and holiday greetings, and other fun information, but we will never email your camper directly regarding enrollment, financials, or other privileged topics.

General Camp Information

What to Expect at Camp

Campers at Ghostlight have days filled with theater, fun, and friendship. Campers can expect to participate in activities that are physically engaging like dance classes, field days, and camp-wide activities. There are also activities that engage their creativity and imagination, like acting classes, arts and crafts, and cabin activities. Campers who participate in our tech classes and program have the opportunity to learn proper technique and skills with tools and equipment used in theater design. Campers are always supervised when involved in any activity at camp.

While we do not set audition or other requirements for participation, it is our expectation that campers will remain engaged while at camp. Campers always have options of how to participate, and while we encourage campers to challenge themselves, we respect campers' limits both physically and mentally, and will work to find alternative ways of engaging in activities. 

Cabin Placements

Campers are grouped according to their age range and stated gender identity. We respect and honor all camper and staff member gender expressions. When assigning campers to cabins, we consider both the well-being of your camper and the entire camp community. We cannot guarantee that cabin requests will be honored and ask that you not make cabin placement promises to your child that camp may be unable to fulfill.


Show Selection

We are very intentional about the shows we select for our summer season. We prioritize finding shows that allow each camper to be an active member of their cast and that tell stories that align with our core values and reflect our camp community. Occasionally, we choose to include shows with mature content. After we announce our festivals’ shows, we ask families to familiarize themselves with show titles and contact us with any questions or concerns about their child’s casting before the start of the session. In the days before each Festival, we will communicate more details about any shows with mature content so you can decide about the show's appropriateness for any younger siblings in your family.

Auditions and Casting

Our community-minded and ensemble-based philosophy is reflected in how we approach auditions and casting at camp. Our audition process is full of support and encouragement. When the cast lists are posted, we often see campers who are as proud of their cabinmates as they are of their accomplishments. We will also send families the cast lists and the Festival Day schedule by email.

Performance Festival Information

Our Performance Festival is the last full day of each session. You will receive an email with cast lists along with the order and time of our shows on the fourth day of camp.

Campers are required to see all the shows and most families also enjoy seeing all of our shows. Most families spend the night in an area hotel or bring tents and camp on our property. Following the last show, we have a closing ceremony and cast party (for campers and staff only). Campers remain in camp after the cast party for one final night in their cabins.


We recommend packing in one or two large duffle bags, but suitcases or trunks are also acceptable. Whatever the type of luggage, please make sure it is clearly marked with your camper’s first and last name. Many campers travel with their bags, however, you are also welcome to ship bags or items directly to camp before your camper’s arrival. Information about shipping through our partners at ShipCamps can be found here

Laundry and Baggage

Please be aware that clothing can get stained, muddy, and lost at camp. Please do not bring items that cannot be replaced if lost, stained, or damaged. Clothing, shoes, jackets, and all other items should be legibly labeled with your camper’s name.

Campers should bring clothes for rehearsal, such as sweats, warm-up or dance pants, and any dance or show shoes they have. Rehearsal clothing should not restrict movement. Please also pack at least one pair of closed-toe shoes for rehearsal and tech work.

Although it can be pretty hot during the day, it usually cools significantly in the evenings. On our hottest days, daytime temperatures can reach the 90s, and on our coldest nights, temperatures dip into the 50s—pack options for layering and rainy days.

Each camper is required to bring three items* that can be ordered from Amerasport:

  • 2 Ghostlight clothing items (our 2025 Ghostlight t-shirt and one other shirt or sweatshirt of your choice)
  • 1 Ghostlight Laundry Bag - Ghostlight does laundry, and this bag is essential in helping make sure every camper's laundry is returned to them.

*Returning campers are only required to order the 2025 Ghostlight t-shirt. But while visiting Amerasport, check out our other new shirt designs!

Please do not overpack, as there’s only so much shelf and cubby space in each cabin. We provide laundry twice each session and once during Intersession (for full-session campers). Please pack one week’s worth of clothing, plus some extra socks and underwear.

Money at Camp

Spending Money

Campers do not need to bring spending money with them to camp. As part of tuition, each family pays a Trips and Activities Fee that covers incidental expenses, camp store purchases, and spending money when away from camp.

You may be billed for personal expenses (i.e. special toiletry purchases made for an individual camper, replacing Ghostlight t-shirts, water bottles, or laundry bags, shipping Lost & Found items home after camp, etc.) at the end of camp.

CITs should plan to bring a debit or credit card, or additional spending money, for special events and trips. 


Staff gratuities are not permitted. If you wish to acknowledge a staff member, we invite you to write a thank you note and share with them how their summer has impacted your camper. We also welcome donations to our scholarship fund as a way to honor staff members. We will be certain to share your recognition with those staff members.

Arrival and Departure


Arrival dates are June 28 (Session 1) and July 21 (Session 2 and Emerging Artists).

  • Camp Provided Transportation
    • First Session campers can take a chaperoned flight from LaGuardia Airport in New York City. Ghostlight staff will meet campers at the airport and journey with them to camp. .
  • Air Travel*
    • For campers arriving by plane,  the preferred arrival times are:
      • Portland Jetport (PWM) - between Noon and 4:00 p.m.
      • Boston Logan Airport (BOS) - between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
  • Family Drop Off
    • For campers arriving by car, you will be assigned a particular drop-off time slot (between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m.). Please contact Spencer Lutvak (spencer@ghostlighttheatercamp.com) by June 1st if your travel needs require a specific time slot within those hours.

*Note: The preferred airport for arrival and departure is PWM. Transportation from or to Boston Logan Airport costs $250 each way.


Departure is on Sunday following the Festival Day of each session, between 10 am and 11:30 am. Ghostlight does not provide transportation home for campers (campers generally travel home with their families). Let us know if you need assistance planning for travel home.

Important Dates for 2025

Session Arrival
Session 1 June 28th July 19th July 20th
Session 2 July 21st August 9th August 10th
Emerging Artists July 21st July 31st August 1st

Expectations and Agreements

General Expectations

The safety of our campers is our primary consideration. Our staff and counselors are trained to promote a healthy and safe camp environment. We ask that you review and reinforce the following rules and expectations with your child before they arrive at camp.

Behavioral Expectations

Ghostlight does not permit violence, alcohol, drugs, or leaving the boundaries of camp without supervision. Campers who violate these policies may be dismissed from camp without refund.

Every person at camp (and everyone with whom we interact while attending camp) is to be treated with respect at all times. Behavior such as theft (of camp property or personal property brought to camp, including borrowing items from others without permission), bullying (including cyber-bullying), aggressive profanity, disrespect, bigotry, homophobic or transphobic comments, inappropriate uses of electronic devices (before or after camp), or any other unsafe conduct will not be tolerated.

Families and campers must sign the Camper Responsibility Code, found in the Family Dashboard.


Campers cannot have cellular or WiFi-enabled devices, including cellphones, tablets, or smartwatches. Any cellular or WiFi devices brought to camp will be stored in the office and returned at the end of camp. Each summer, we strive to help our campers make lifelong, authentic friends with peers and adults, appreciate nature, grow and extend the boundaries of their comfort zones.

Campers may not use an old phone as a music player or camera. Campers who travel to camp unaccompanied may travel with their phones and then store them in the office upon arrival at camp however, cell phones will NOT be permitted on our chartered bus/van transportation.

Other Items Not Allowed at Camp

Campers are prohibited from possessing or using alcohol, tobacco, or drugs at camp. Campers may not bring weapons (including pocket knives). Camp staff reserves the right to confiscate any object from your child believed to be inappropriate for the camp setting, or potentially harmful to others.

Please do not bring valuables to camp. Ghostlight’s insurance policy does not cover camper personal property and valuables, and we strongly recommend that items of value be left at home.

Summer Communication

Phone Calls

Camp is an investment in your camper’s growth. It is a wonderful opportunity for them to disconnect from their usual routine and settle into a different kind of rhythm. We encourage communication via letters to and from home while your camper is at camp. Don’t forget to pack stationery, envelopes, and stamps!

Allowing your camper to be fully present at Ghostlight without thinking about phone calls
from home supports our goals of encouraging and strengthening each camper’s confidence, independence, and self-expression. Campers develop invaluable social and emotional skills from navigating camp without the distraction and interruption of phone calls home. Camp directors are available to speak with you as often as you need. Should you need to speak with your camper, please reach out through the camp phone or email a director directly at info@ghostlighttheatercamp.com.


Campers LOVE receiving mail! We encourage letters and care packages with magazines, games, and fun toys or activities (particularly ones that can be shared with friends at camp!) We do NOT allow food of any sort, or for any reason. We have an excellent dining staff and work hard to provide the most top-quality food we can for our campers. Unfortunately, any food sent to camp will be disposed of.

💌 Campers Love Getting Mail

Your Camper’s Name - Cabin
Ghostlight Theater Camp
7 Camp Eastwood Cir.
Oakland, ME 04963

Communication from Camp

In any medical emergency, our medical staff or a director will call a parent/guardian (or emergency contact if necessary) and indicate that the call is an emergency. There are two hospitals in nearby Waterville, so we are not far from emergency medical attention. In non-emergency medical situations, our philosophy is “when in doubt, we’ll call home," and we will always let you know if your camper spent the night in the health center for any reason.

Small interpersonal and behavioral issues sometimes arise, as does homesickness. These tend to work themselves out under the supervision and support of our counselors and directors. However, we find that most families appreciate an update if something like this comes up. Also, please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns.

While campers will not have internet access, we like to keep families updated on our activities during camp. You will receive a daily email from our leadership team each morning of camp and we will also post a daily slideshow of pictures.


Families and friends have the option of writing emails through their Family Dashboard.  Please note, while the office does not make a habit of reading camper emails, it should be emphasized that emails sent to campers during camp are not private.

Families can choose to allow friends and relatives to email their camper using this same system through their Family Dashboard. For information on how to allow family and friends to email your camper, download this How To.



Health Care and Medical Info

Camp Health Center

Ghostlight maintains a centrally located, well-equipped health center. Two registered nurses work at camp, one of whom is always on site and on-duty (24 hours a day). There are two hospitals in nearby Waterville and a number of Urgent Care centers. It is our policy to contact a camper’s family if an overnight stay in the health center, a trip to Urgent Care, or a trip to the hospital occurs. A camp staff member will always accompany a camper to Urgent Care or the hospital. Based on the insurance information provided on the Health Form and Insurance Card, insurance may be filed by the Health Care provider or billed directly to you.

Communicable Diseases and Head Lice

Ghostlight continues to require all campers and staff members to be vaccinated for Measles. No child who has been exposed to communicable disease may attend camp before the period of incubation has elapsed. Please be sure to inspect your child for head lice three weeks prior to arrival at camp and again immediately before camp begins. 

Please notify Alexa (alexa@ghostlighttheatercamp.com) if you have treated your child for lice within the month prior to camp. This information will be kept confidential, but allows us to discreetly recheck your child and avoid further lice issues!

Medical Insurance

Medical care provided by any of the camp nurses is included in your camp tuition. Should it be necessary for the well being of your camper to use outside medical care, the family will pay for all expenses involved and additional medical/accident insurance coverage is required.  The medical provider will bill your insurance directly and will mail you an invoice for any expenses that are not covered by your insurance.

Camper Medical Information

At Ghostlight Theater Camp, our number one concern is the health and well-being of your camper and our entire camp community. You will be required to complete a Health History form. It is your responsibility as families and caregivers to disclose any emotional, physical, psychological, or medical information about your child to allow for their best camp experience.

Full disclosure is required before each camper arrives at camp. Please be proactive on any clear issues or past behavior from previous years at camp or school. Failure to provide complete and full disclosure of all medical history, past and present, may result in dismissal from camp.

Prescription Medications

Ghostlight has partnered with CampMeds for all camper medications. This is the safest and most efficient way for our Health Center to support your camper while at camp. CampMeds packages each camper’s medication(s) in a strip of individual pouches labeled with the camper’s name, medication(s), date, and time of day to be given. They will ship all medications directly to camp prior to arrival day and again before refills are needed (for full session campers).

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications

If your camper takes a daily OTC, vitamin, or supplement, you must register with and use the CampMeds medication service. If your camper takes occasional or as-needed (PRN) Over-the-Counter medications, please contact us directly to find out if we stock that medication at the Health Center or if you will need to provide it for your camper. All medications (except EpiPens and rescue inhalers) will be stored at the Health Center and administered by our nurses.

Medical Specialists, Dentists, and Orthodontist Information

If your child must see a medical specialist, dentist, or orthodontist while at camp, it is your responsibility to schedule these appointments. We are happy to provide you with a list of local providers but ask that you please coordinate these appointments with camp leadership so your camper’s camp schedule is least disrupted.

Preventing Tick-borne Illnesses

Tick-born illnesses are a reality of life in New England. Ticks can carry disease (the most concerning of which is Lyme disease) and can be difficult to see, so it’s important to talk about them with your child before camp and review some simple, basic ways to keep ticks and Lyme disease in check.

While camp and families do their best to prevent tick bites, it is also important to know the symptoms of Lyme disease and take your child to a doctor right away if you suspect your child may have had a tick bite. Symptoms of Lyme disease include muscle aches, fever, headaches, rash (sometimes ring-shaped), and fatigue.

Success at Camp

Before camp

  • Discuss what camp will be like before your child leaves home.
  • Review the Ghostlight website together.
  • Express confidence that they will do well on their own.
  • Expect them to love camp!
  • Discuss the value of completing what they begin.
  • Tell your camper you’ll be thinking of them having fun.
  • Give lots of hugs.
  • Remember to take comfort in the fact that you can’t always make their world perfect.

Prepare your camper for

  • Wildlife noises - frogs, birds, mosquitos, etc.
  • How to write a letter (we suggest sending pre-addressed envelopes to mail letters home).
  • Our technology policy — practice enjoying some reduced screen time at home to prepare for camp.
  • Friendship-making skills like listening and asking questions.
  • Cabin Inspection — including bed making, sweeping/using a dustpan, cleaning the bathroom, hanging wet towels on a clothesline, putting dirty clothes in a laundry bag, etc.

Role-play different scenarios

  • How do you like to introduce yourself?
  • What if you have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night?
  • What will you do if you’re not feeling well one day?

Other Ideas

  • Pack your child’s favorite stuffed animal or blanket (they are never too old to bring a stuffed animal to camp with them)!
  • Send your child with a few photos of your family (including pets) so that your child will have a reminder of home.
  • Send a letter to your child before camp begins so it is waiting for them upon arrival at camp.
  • Acknowledge their pre-camp feelings — such as feeling anxious, apprehensive, nervous and excited. These are all very common feelings, and you can reassure them that most campers are feeling the same way (even those who have been to camp before)!
  • Give your child a cheery send-off. Goodbyes can be challenging — for parents particularly. It certainly gets easier in the future, when your child returns to their summer home.

Things to avoid

  • Promising to pick them up early if they are unhappy or homesick. We consider this the most crucial rule when preparing your child for camp.
  • Discussing your own fears or your own bad experiences at camp.
  • Cueing negative responses, i.e., “I’ll be lonely without you.”
  • Letting your child overhear plans you have made with family and friends while your child is at camp.


Homesickness is, above all, a normal feeling. It is the natural result of separating from home and loved ones. In a recent study, nearly 96 percent of all campers who were spending two weeks or more at overnight camp reported some homesickness on at least one day. Almost all children (and grown-ups!) feel homesick when they’re away from home. People’s feelings simply vary in intensity.

What causes homesickness?

There are several factors that put children at greater risk for becoming homesick. For example, children with little previous experience away from home, children who have low expectations of camp, children who feel forced to go to camp, children who are unsure whether adults will help them if they need help, children who have little practice coping with negative emotions, and children whose families express a lot of anxiety are most likely to feel homesick.

When is it a problem?

Most feelings of homesickness are not problematic. In fact, missing home isn’t a problem until it becomes a preoccupation. When the feelings of sadness and anxiety associated with missing home become so strong that making friends, having fun, sleeping, eating, and participating in activities is difficult, something must be done.

What can be done?

It used to be thought that feelings of missing home disappeared spontaneously after a few days at camp. Although this is true for some cases of mild homesickness, research has demonstrated that, if left unchecked, homesickness can intensify over time. Ghostlight trains our staff rigorously and much focus is placed on techniques for helping campers move through periods of homesickness.

If homesickness (or other adjustment problems) do occur while your child is at camp:

  • Do NOT tell your child you will pick them up from camp. Children typically lose any and all motivation to try to succeed at camp if they think a parent is coming. Part of camp is learning how to work through different situations that may not always be easy. What may seem like a difficult situation one day is usually replaced with a fun-filled, busy, and exciting next day at camp. Please know that some of the most homesick campers at the beginning of camp are the same campers who do not want to leave camp and end up returning for many years.
  • Talk candidly with a camp director to learn their perception of your child’s adjustment.
  • In your letters or emails, acknowledge your child’s feelings and communicate your love, while expressing your confidence in their ability to cope. You can also convey your support of your child’s efforts to work out the problems with the help of the camp staff.