Ghostlight in Westport 2024

April Break Theater Camp
at Westport's Academy of Dance

Dates to be announced soon!

$350/Full Week
$100/Day Rate 

Join the Ghostlight team for a week of singing, dancing, and acting! Our workshops and classes will support campers who love being on stage and just coming out of their shell. While campers have fun working on scenes, improvs, and music from Broadway hits, they also learn important collaboration skills like listening, communicating, and working together! It's a week of camp that packs a punch!


Summer Programs in Maine


Make This Summer Memorable and Meaningful

With 10-day, 3-week, and 6-week programs to choose from, Ghostlight has the perfect summer planned for your camper! Classes and productions, activities and trips, Ghostlight is the perfect summer camp experience for every theater lover.

☀️ Mornings are spent learning from Broadway professionals and other esteemed educators from around the globe. Campers can focus on dance, acting, singing, or writing, and take a number of electives in everything from improv to a cappella to cooking!

😎 In the afternoon, campers gather for rehearsal. Each camper is cast in one show that is performed along with the others in an end-session festival open to family and friends. Interested in tech? We've got a wonderful tech program that lets a select group of campers work and learn side-by-side with our professional design team.

🌗 Evenings are spent enjoying the cool weather of Maine summers. S'mores, star gazing, and plenty of camp games fill the final hours before the sun goes down and campers return to their cabins for time with their camp family!

To learn more about our programs and speak with a director, schedule a call today or request more information.